Public submissions frequently require review or approval – from within a department or from representatives of multiple departments. The Review Step can be used to aid in the form submission in several ways:
- Set conditionals in a Review Step to have specific roles/users review particular sections of the form.
- Can control how an applicant advances in application
To begin setting up your Review Step, select the form you want to add the Review Step to. In the Steps tab, select Add Step and choose Review.
Now you can fill out any needed information for a reviewer(s) to be able to complete the review of the applicant’s submission.
- If needed, add instructions, email notifications, or a timeframe. Note: Adding a timeframe allows you to set how long a user has to complete this step.
- Set the Reviewer title name.
- If needed, use the Logic feature to control when this review is utilized.
- Select a Review Type, whether this review is Required, and if you need to Ask For Signature.
- If needed, add an affidavit, approval message, or rejection message pre-set message. A reviewer can always add to or overwrite a pre-set message.
- Assign a Role (recommended) or individual to be the reviewer. Each review step must have at least one review group and at least one Role or person listed as a reviewer, otherwise, you won't be able to save the step or publish and use the Workflow.
- Select Add reveiwer.
Utilizing Conditionals to Assign Review Steps
Forms may need several conditional reviews when submissions are routed to certain people based on the data that's been provided. For example, the Police Department may only want to review a Special Event permit application for large groups or when alcohol is being served. Whereas a human resources department may assign a specific staff to review a department's application for a new job posting based on which department it comes from.
In a form, you can allow one or more levels of conditional logic to Review steps.
You can determine whether or not a Review should take place or conditionally assign the Review to one or more people based on a multiple-choice answer in an earlier Collect Information step.
For example, there's a question on this Special Event permit that asks about whether alcohol will be served, and another that asks about total attendance.
After selecting the Logic icon (inverted Y-shaped icon) to the right of the Reviewer Title. We've added two conditions in this example. The conditions are that Police Review will only be required if alcohol is going to be served OR if there will be more than 100 people at the event. If alcohol will not be served and there will be fewer than 100 people, then the review won't happen.
Once the logic is added, it's always clear what triggers the Review.
Using Roles in a Review Step
Using Roles over adding an individual person allows you to:
- Add a new person to the Role after your form is already in use. That person will have access to all the submissions the Role does, even if they were started before that person was added to the system.
- You to easily swap people in and out of Review functions to respond to staffing changes. When a new staff person takes over for someone on leave or who has changed roles, the new person will need access to all pending submissions awaiting Review, including those that were started before any personnel changes were made.
- If someone leaves your organization or changes jobs and should no longer have the same access, you just remove them from the Role. Any pending Reviews will disappear from their dashboard and they'll stop getting email notifications.
In each Review step section, there is the option to add a Role:
- If you haven't set up any Roles yet, you'll have the opportunity to create a new Role.
- If you have already added one or more people to a Role who will be the review team for this section/ Step, just add the Role as a Reviewer.
Note: If there is more than one person in the Role, once one person reviews that review is deemed complete. If you must have multiple people complete the exact same review please add them to different Roles or add them as individuals (not recommended). That will automatically add in all the people who are in the Role as potential reviewers. Once a Role has been added, you can switch people out of the Role easily.
Controlling How the Applicant Advances
If you'd like to ensure that an applicant doesn't move forward unless they've responded correctly to one or more questions in your form, use a conditional Review step to control their progress.
Decide which question(s) that the applicant must answer in a specific way and set the question(s) as multiple-choice or checkbox fields. For example, an applicant may need to answer a yes/no question about whether they have a Driver's License. If they answer "No" they should not proceed to a later payment step.
Add a Review step that has Auto-Advance set to On and has one or more required review groups that include logic based on the questions that should be answered in a specific way. In this example, because you would like the applicants to have a Driver's License you'd set the conditional to only require a review if the applicant said "No" to the Driver's License question.
Note: With Auto-Advance set to On, the review will not be required if the applicant answers "correctly." An applicant who indicates they have a Driver's License can move forward, but anyone who answers No will be held up until your team can review the application and either Reject/ Halt the submission or request a clarification/ correction from the applicant.
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