As an individual or business applying for a permit or license, you may desire to print out a record of an individual application. Many governments have transitioned to using the PDF/ printout as the official record of a completed submission and encourage you to print your business license, display it on-site, or bring a printed version of your special event permit to your event (even though either you or a government employee could show the valid permit on their phone any time).
More and more, instead of the government printing and mailing you a copy of a permit, you may be directed to print your own permit as soon as it's completed and approved. And even for a submission where you're not required to display a paper record of a permit, you still might want to print out a record of your submission.
If the submission (application type) is completed:
- Sign in to ClearForms.
- Open the application from your dashboard, and select the application you want to print.
- If it's completed, the first thing you'll see will be a screen titled Summary Document with a Download link in the bottom right. Once it's downloaded, you can print, email, or save it.
Here is how it looks on mobile:
If the application is still in submission:
You can still access a PDF download. First, go to the Menu section at the upper right of the screen.
Once you open the Menu, you'll see the Document option.
From here, you can download the PDF version of the application in submission. You'll be able to see whether the Document (Output) has been Issued or is not yet Issued/ still in submission.
Pro Tip: Follow the same steps as above to access and download the documents from your mobile device.
Note: Typically PDF downloads include the following information:
- Government name and logo
- Name of the submission (Application type)
- Status (Active, Completed, Halted)
- Information about who launched the application and when it was launched.
Other information from the submission is included or removed at the discretion of the government that set up the form. Additionally, some governments use a custom PDF export so that the document conforms to their existing format and may have a very specific format.
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