Formulas and data fields are powerful tools that can be used throughout your workflow to automate values and information. Using the Field or Formula Display feature can be helpful for many reasons:
- To make sure that applicants understand how a fee was calculated from one or more formulas
- To display information from a field or formula in admin instructions to help with reviews
You can use formulas and data fields in the:
- Payment steps (learn more about setting up formulas in a payment step here)
- Applicant or Administrator Instructions
- Emails
- Completion Message
Using Data Fields and Formulas in Instructions and/or Emails
When setting up a workflow you may use the "@" sign to call up a list of all fields and formulas available to include in an email, step, or section instructions for the workflow.
For example, to include the applicant name field in the Admin Instructions in a step you may type the "@" sign, then in this case begin typing “@” to bring up the available fields. Notice the formula options will have an f(x) next to them, so you will know which items are the formulas.
Select the field for it to appear in your instructions. You can be sure it's working if the field or formula name appears on a darker background. Once you are finished with your instructions, select Save Instructions.
The same “@” field can be used in Email Notifications. Simply select the Add email notification in a step and type the "@" sign, then in this case begin typing “@” to bring up the available fields.
Select the field for it to appear in your instructions. You can be sure it's working if the field or formula name appears on a darker background. Once you are finished with your email message, select Save email notification.
Pro Tip: Use the “@” field in your Section instructions as well.
Using Data Fields and Formulas in the Completion Message
A completion message will appear at the end of your workflow once an applicant completes the submission. In the Settings tab of your workflow, you can customize the completion message.
Then scroll down to the Completion message and edit the message with applicable fields and information.
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