Adding Tags to Submissions
Add tags to Submissions to associate each with a specific key word or phrase and use it as a filter and search tool in the Form Submission Tab. Note that all tags will present in all capital letters. Renewal Submissions will be automatically tagged as Renewal.
Tag Submissions in Bulk
Add tags in bulk by selecting one or more Submissions and select the Add Tags icon at the top of the table and select the tag. Remove tags from Submissions by multi-selecting again and selecting Remove Tags and choose the tag to remove from all selected submissions.
Add a New Tag in the Form Submissions Tab
- Multi-select Submissions and select Add Tags
- In the tag search box, type the name of a new tag you want to create
- Select Add new tag - name of your new tag to make a brand new tag.
- Select Tag Submissions to save that tag for future use.
Manage Tags
Select any Submission to manage existing tags by selecting Manage Tags. Note that tags will always appear in capital letters.
After selecting Manage Tags inside of a Submission, you can add new tags, edit existing tags, or delete tags.
Create New Tag
To add a tag, select the Manage Tags button and select Create New Tag. Give the tag a name and press enter to add this tag to the form submission.
Edit Existing Tag
Rename a tag by selecting the pencil icon next to the tag. When finished, select the grey checkmark icon or press enter to save. The tag name will be updated on this form submission and not be updated on other submissions that also include this tag.
Delete a Tag
To delete tags, select Manage Tags and then select the trash can icon. This will delete the tag from this submission, along with anything else that includes this tag. Note that this will delete the tag from all Forms permanently.
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