You can assign a numeric value to each answer to a multiple-choice question in the Collect Information step. Then you can use that number in a formula to calculate a fee or other number value. It's easier for applicants to respond to a text multiple-choice or checkbox answer, and then use the software to plug in an associated number into a formula based on that answer. This can really make calculating fees and payments simpler and ensure that applicants are paying the correct fees.
Next to any multiple-choice answer, you'll see the option to Set Formula Values. Select the Set Formula Values and the link will open up an additional data entry option. Here you can associate a specific numerical value with each answer. For example, in this case, a town charges a different permit application fee based on the type of construction being permitted. The applicant can simply pick the correct permit category, and (assuming that a formula has been set up to calculate the fee) the correct fee will be automatically calculated and can be included in a later Payment step.
Once values have been associated with each answer, it's easy to view and change them if necessary.
Pro Tip: You can opt to make one multiple-choice or checkbox answer the Default value that will display to all applicants. You might choose to use this feature if one answer is much more common than others. Add a default value by selecting Advanced Settings on any field type.
Note: You cannot use fields in conditional sections in formulas!
This feature allows your dog licenses, building permits, and any other form where a payment amount is determined based on a checkbox or multiple-choice answer to be easily and automatically calculated. To learn more about using creating and using formulas in payment steps visit this article: Using Formulas in a Payment Step.
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