How do you insert Logic into ClearForms Steps?
Using the Logic features in ClearForms
ClearForms allows you to add logic to your submissions. Logic can be applied to Collect Information Steps and Review Steps.
Using Logic in a Collect Information Step, you can determine which sections of a form the applicant sees based on how they answered earlier questions.
With the Logic features in a Review Step, you can route submissions for review and approval to groups of staff based on the answers to multiple-choice or checkbox questions.
Our goal is to make your forms as responsive and flexible as possible so that people answer only the questions that are relevant to them.
Setting Logic Rules
You can set logic rules for individual sections that make their appearance conditional on information provided earlier in the submission.
Currently, the form logic can be triggered by the answer to multiple choice questions, checkbox questions, or any Number Fields contained in the same (or any previous) Collect Information step.
This will work even if the previous field is also in a conditionally visible section, so you can nest Logic inside of Logic!
Inserting Logic into a Step
Here’s how to use our new Logic feature to conditionally display a section or require a review:
You’ll notice that in every section or review group header (the blue bar at the top of a group of fields) you’ll see the upside-down Y logic symbol. To get started, select the Logic symbol.
ClearForms Logic Symbol
- After selecting the Logic Symbol, you will be prompted to enter the Logic Conditions.
In this section, you are able to configure:
- The outcome, (Show or Hide this Section or Require a Review)
- based on the conditions, (a specific answer to a question field, or an inequality; greater than, less than, etc.)
- Select which question you want to use and which response will trigger the appearance of the section you’re working on.
Note: You can add multiple logic conditions using And/Or. Use "and" if you would like the field to appear only if both conditions are met. Use "or" if only one conditional needs to be satisfied for the field to appear.
Editing Logic
Once you’ve got it set up, the logic rule will be visible at the start of the section or review group.
If you need to change it, you may click the pencil (Edit) icon at the top of the logic section. If you want to remove the logic, select the X to delete.
Note: The Edit and Delete options will appear when you hover your mouse over the Logic header area of the section.
Pro Tip: if you edit a form, any applicants who’ve already launched the submission will continue on and complete the version they started with. Any new applicants/ new launches will see the new version.
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