Strong communication helps submissions get completed faster and with fewer mistakes. The Discussion feature is available to you to ask questions directly to the government employees who are managing the form you're applying to.
Here's how to start a discussion:
- Select the Discussions link in the upper right-hand corner of the active submission view.
Select the New Discussion button.
- Type in your request.
Select Start Discussion.
The government employee(s) who manages the submission will be notified of the new discussion and will be able to reply.
You'll be notified when they respond via your email. You can sign back into ClearForms, see their answer, and continue the conversation if necessary.
Select the Resolved checkbox when everyone's questions have been answered and there's no need for the discussion to continue.
Note: There can be more than one Discussion happening on each submission at the same time.
The Discussion feature is also available on mobile devices.
Pro Tip: Use the Discussion feature to request that a step be unlocked when you need to make a correction to or add to a Locked step. A locked step is when an administrator has set a step to lock when completing that step and/or moving on to another step.
Have more questions or need assistance?
Submit a Request