The Powerups section of ClearForms has three primary functions: Formulas, Sub-submissions, and Search Pages. This article focuses on Sub-submissions.
With Sub-submissions, you can make sure that an applicant completes a second (or third or fourth) form as a condition of completing their primary application. Extending the business license example; perhaps you'd like a first-time business license applicant that has hazardous materials on-site to complete a Hazardous Materials License before their main business license is complete. We'll talk more about sub-submissions later in this module.
Make the completion of one form dependent on another one
When you're using ClearForms to create a complex form, there are times when there are whole forms that may be conditionally or always required. They're too complex to have as conditional steps or require a specific output document that's separate from your main document. These situations are a good use of the Sub-submission feature.
Here are some common use cases for sub-submissions:
- A building permit may require a separate plumbing permit
- Zoning applications may require public hearings for some projects
- A business license may require a separate liquor license
Step-by-Step Guide
Start with two (2) forms: one will be the primary form, and the second will be the dependent form, or Sub-submission.
- Enter the primary form and select the Power-Ups tab.
- Select Sub-submissions on the left.
Select the second or dependent form that will be the sub-submission
- Note: Both forms must be on the same Team!
- You may select whether or not the applicant can link a submission they've already started or completed. (if Allow link existing is set to on, they are able to).
- You'll also select whether the sub-submission is always or conditionally required. The conditional setup works the same way as our Logic configuration.
- When you save, the two forms will be linked.
Note: Form admin can waive a sub-submission. In the page for the specific process, select the 3 dots next to the Sub-submission to view the option "Waive requirement". Selecting waive requirement will make the sub-submission no longer required for that applicant.
Logic vs. Sub-submissions
Sometimes it's challenging to know when to use the ClearForms Sub-submission feature or when it's better to use Logic to accomplish similar tasks in one form.
Here's the way our team evaluates these questions:
Will the same person be completing the "main" and the "secondary" submission?
- If so then a Sub-submission could be a good idea. If a different person than the original applicant has to (or could) start and complete the "secondary" part, those can't be linked through a Sub-submission.
Will you need to have different Outputs (e.g. PDF exports) for the "main" and the "secondary" process? For example, would a business receive two separate licenses (basic business license + Hazardous materials license that would have different license numbers and renewal requirements?)
- If so, using a Sub-submission may be a good idea. However, if you'd need a lot of the information gathered in the "primary" submission to be used in the "secondary" Output, it may be easier to keep them all part of one big submission and have a multi-page Output.
Do the "primary" and "secondary" parts always happen in the same order?
- If so, they may be better combined into one bigger form. If an applicant can start either first, there's an option with Sub-submissions to allow the linking of an existing submission. so for example if you started a Zoning Determination request and then applied for a Building Permit, the zoning Determination was a Sub-submissions of the Building permit, if "Allow link existing" was set to on then the order in which they were started wouldn't matter.
Is there no situation where someone would complete the Sub-submission without the main process?
- For example, you might have a standard Business License and then a more complex Restaurant License - but if no Restaurants can be licensed without first getting the basic business license, this is likely a good place to use a Sub-submission.
Pro Tip: Using the same "identifier field" for main and sub-submissions is recommended.
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