Halting a Submission vs. Deleting
When dealing with test, duplicate, or mistakenly launched submissions, you may prefer to remove them from the system entirely by Deleting them. Deleting submissions will also remove them from your aggregate statistics and data visualizations.
If a submission has been partially completed but has been abandoned by an applicant, you can Halt a submission to stop it from moving forward, which gets it off of your Form Submission Tab but keeps it in the system for posterity. To resume the Submission, select “Resume”.
But be careful! Once you delete a submission, it's gone for good! There's no way to recover a deleted submission once it's gone, so if you think there's a chance you might need any of the information in an application in the future, we strongly suggest you Halt rather than Delete.
Multi-Select or Single-Select
Starting on your Form Submission Tab, select all the submissions you want to halt or delete by selecting the checkboxes on the left side. Select Halt or Delete at the upper right, and you can choose to halt or delete all selected submissions.
Enter the Submission in your Form Submission Tab by selecting the ID Number.. Select the action icon (3 dots) to halt or delete the individual submission.
To Resume a halted submission, simply select the three dots again on a submission that has been halted, and you'll see the option to resume.
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