Instructional Step
An instructional step is a simple step to include instructions and additional information. The first step in a Form is typically an Instructional Step.
Description & Instructions
Instructional Steps do not contain sections or fields - Instructional Steps are designed to share information through the Step Overview, Applicant Instructions and Admin Instructions.
Step Overview Description:
The Step Overview Description appears on the Start page of the form to help applicants understand what will happen on each Step. For additional information on customizing the start page, see our support article: Customizing the Submission Start Page.
Note: The Start Page has a different appearance while signed in as a Form Editor, compared to the view the Applicant sees when they are starting a new Submission. See our training & support article: Admin Start Page to see how to manage the page while signed in as an Admin.
Applicant Instructions:
- At the beginning of any step of a form, you can use Instructions to add the program requirements or other general information about the form. Applicant instructions will only appear to users who don't have admin access to the form. These instructions are helpful in guiding the users through the required steps to complete the submission.
Admin Instructions:
- Admin instructions are only available to users given admin permissions to the form. Admin instructions are particularly helpful in Review steps, as well as any Collect Info Steps that are created to be completed by a team member.
- Note: Don’t forget to select Save Instructions to save all the edits to the instructions sections.
Step Configuration
Open the Step Configuration Menu by selecting the Configuration wheel at the top right-hand corner of the step. In the Step Configuration Menu, you can view and manage who completes the form, Assignees, Timeframe, and e-mail notifications.
Form Completion: Select if the Applicant will be the person completing the form or of it will be assigned to an internal member of the organization.
Assignees: View and manage who has been assigned to this step. For additional information about assignees, see our training & support article: Assigning and Managing Users in Steps
Timeframe: You can add a timeframe - a number of days, hours, or minutes. This can be handy to make sure that submissions are staying on track. If a step isn't completed within a specific timeframe, it will show as Overdue on your Dashboard.
Email notifications: You can add an email notification that will be automatically sent to either the applicant (the person who launched the submission) or the form admins. The email can also be sent either when step is either started or completed, depending on the options you choose at setup.
- Be sure to select Save E-mail notification to save your message.
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