The Submission Start page: What does someone see at the beginning of a ClearForms submission?
The Start Page (the public-facing submission overview or landing page) is where constituents go to begin using the forms you've created.
This means you might want to customize the Submission Start Page so your constituents can see exactly what you want them to be able to view.
Settings Tab
Form Settings
To begin customizing your Start Page, navigate to the preferred form. Select the Settings tab and choose the Form option.
From here you can choose to toggle on or off:
- Open Data - When toggled on, data and stats about this form are publicly viewable.
- Show In Public Portal - When on, this form will appear in your public portal.
- Show Cost Range On Public Overview Page - When enabled, the Cost field will be visible on the public overview page
- Show Average Completion Time On Public Overview Page - When enabled, the Typically takes field will be visible on the public overview page.
In the same Settings tab, you can customize the FAQs page.
- Select the Support option.
- If you have a point of contact for support search for a username or enter the support contact’s email.
Select the Add icon to create FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions). Type in the Question and then add the Answer. Pro Tip: To create a numbered list, use (1),(2), etc. in your response.
You can create as many FAQs as you would like.
The Submission Start Page
While you are signed in as an Administrator, on the Submission Start Page you can customize the description and images that will be displayed. Navigate to the start page by selecting the Start Form button in your form and selecting the blue-grey copy icon to copy the link. Paste the web link into the URL bar of a new browser tab.
Note: Since you are already logged in ClearForms will know you have permission to edit the start page.
- Edit the description by selecting the Add description button. Add a summary/introduction and select Save description.
- To change the background image select Change banner image. Choose your banner image file and save it. Note: The system greys out and darkens the image so that the white text is visible, which means you may find that contrast and visibility are limited.
Form Stats Page
On the Submission Start Page, select Stats to navigate to the Form Stats Page. The Form Stats page presents data about the Submissions.
- How many Submissions have been opened in the last 30 days
- How many Submissions are currently Active, Completed, and Halted.
- Estimated time of completion
- A chart depicting the number of processes per month.
At the bottom of the Stats Page, you can select a field to visualize if there is an applicable field in your form. To the right of that you can view a list of all recent activity with the form. Note: Select View all Activity to see a list of all form submissions.
Public Record Search
From the Form Stats Page, select Public Record Search to access the Search Page. Search by key words or phrases to search through all Submissions in this form that have responses to fields that match the search criteria. This Public Record Search feature can be toggled on or off in the Form Settings. To learn more about the public record search settings, see our training and support article: All About Form Settings
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