Form Settings
Navigate to the Form Settings by first navigating to the Forms Manager tab. Select the form you wish to edit. Select the Settings tab and choose the Form option.
In the Form Settings you can choose to toggle on or off:
- Open Data - When toggled on, data and stats about this form are publicly viewable. Disabling Open Data will remove the Public Search.
- Show In Public Portal - When on, this form will appear in your public portal.
- Show Cost Range On Public Overview Page - When enabled, the Cost field will be visible on the public overview page also known as the Submission Start Page.
- Show Average Completion Time On Public Overview Page - When enabled, the Typically takes field will be visible on the public overview page or Submission Start Page.
Custom IDs and Identifier Fields
Include a custom ID naming convention or an Identifier field to organize all submissions within the form.
Custom ID
Create a Custom ID using a naming convention. Select view formatting rules to see some guidelines to configuring the custom ID.
Identifier Field
To add an identifier field to a form, there must be a Collect and Record Information Step in the form. The Identifier Field will link one field from a Collect and Record Information Step and associate it with all Submissions for this form. This will allow for easier sorting in the Form Submission Tab.
Pro Tip: If you are using sub-submissions, it is recommended to use the same identifier field for both forms.
Public Identifier
Public Identifier permits your applicants' dashboards to include this information, which will make it easier for them to navigate between multiple submissions.
Public Data Search Settings / Search Pages
Administrators have the option to also allow for Public Search on the Submission Start Page, giving the public the ability to find information from submissions related to that form.
- Select the workflow you'd like to enable Public Search on from your Workflows section, then open the Settings tab and the Form tab.
- Scroll down to the bottom to the Public Data Search Settings and toggle it to "On".
You also have the ability to add instructions to help users find what they are looking for before searching. These instructions will appear right above the search box on the Submission Start Page.
Support Settings
In the same Settings tab, you can customize the FAQs page.
- Select the Support option.
- If you have a point of contact for support search for a username or enter the support contact’s email.
Select the Add icon to create FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions). Type in the Question and then add the Answer. Pro Tip: To create a numbered list, use (1),(2), etc. in your response.
You can create as many FAQs as you would like.
Have more questions or need assistance?
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