How do you publish a Form and how is that different from publishing the URL?
Publishing a Form
Once the Form has been created and steps have been added, the next step is to publish the Form. It is important to note that publishing a Form does not make it available to the public until you share the URL link, through your website, e-mail, etc.
To publish a form, simply select Publish.
Unpublishing and Archiving Forms
Here's a review of the form status options you can select from on ClearForms. All of these options can be accessed in the Settings tab under "Form".
- Unpublish: Unpublishing a Form will remove the ability to complete the Form through the link.
- Archive: If you're pretty sure you don't want to access or view an old form (an unused draft or something you've decided not to use) then consider archiving it. It will disappear from your Forms page and won't clutter up your view. However, if you need to access it, you can select "Archived" from the dropdown at the upper right of your forms page. You are essentially deleting the form from your library without totally getting rid of it.
- Publish: This means the form is accessible on your Public Portal page and is usable by the public (If you have "Show in Public Portal" toggled on).
- Close: This keeps the form visible on your Public Portal, but new submissions aren't accepted and it shows on the portal with a "Closed" tag. The open data from previous submissions remains visible.
Note: Please note that if you Archive a form it will be archived for all users of that form.
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