Team Roles and User Types
Admin in ClearForms are defined as users with permission to edit the Form or the Form Owner. There are four built-in Roles for each Team (Team Owner, Team Member, Team Finance Manager, and Team Finance Member). For additional information on Roles in ClearForms: see our training & support article: Permissions - Creating Roles in a Team
Note: The e-mails you receive from ClearForms will be determined by the Team Role you are in, as well as any Step Assignments that you’ve been given in any of the Forms. For example, if you are assigned a Review Step inside of a Form, you will receive all e-mails related to the Reviewer Assignee section of this article.
All About E-mails in ClearForms
ClearForms automatically creates many status updates and email notifications. Form Admins can control many e-mail settings in their Account E-mail Settings.
- To navigate to Account Settings, hover over your Username in the upper-right corner and select Account Settings.
- Then, in the left-hand navigation bar, select Email Settings.
E-mails that Admins Receive
Submission Started
Admins in the Form are e-mailed when a new Submission has been started by an Applicant.
Note: This occurs when an Applicant selects the Start Button and then signs into ClearForms, or creates a new account. This does not necessarily mean they have completed the first step. Manage this auto-generated e-mail in the Account Settings under E-mail Settings.
Step Advancement
Admins in the Form are e-mailed when a Submission moves from one step to the next. Manage this auto-generated e-mail in the Account Settings under E-mail Settings.
Submission Completion
Admins in the Form are e-mailed when a Submission is complete and the last step has been finished. Manage this auto-generated e-mail in the Account Settings under E-mail Settings.
Admins in the Form receive an e-mail when a Discussion is opened or a new Discussion comment has been added. Applicants will receive e-mails about Discussions as well. For additional information on Discussions, see our training & support article Using the Discussion Board
Review Step Completion and Requested Changes
Admins in the Form receive an e-mail when a Review Step is completed or a Reviewer has requested changes. The Applicant will receive e-mail notifications about Review Step completion as well.
Submission Rejected or Halted
Admins and Applicants receive an e-mail when a Submission has been Rejected in a Review Step or Halted. For additional information on Form Status see our training & support article: Halting or Deleting a Submission
Organization/Entity Edit Request
Admins in a Form receive an e-mail when an Applicant requests a change to Entity/Organization Data. Note that the setting to allow Applicants to suggest changes must be turned on. Admin can manage this auto-generated e-mail in the Account Settings under E-mail Settings.
Custom Step E-mail Notifications
In the Step Settings, Admin can create custom step e-mail notifications. They can choose to send out a Custom Message to either the Applicant who started the Step or the Admin in the Form.
For additional information on custom step e-mail notifications, see any of our Step Articles, for example: Customizing an Instructional Step. Note that custom step e-mail messages can be configured for any Step type.
Assignees and other Team Role Members
Invitation to join a Team
In the Team Settings, adding a Team Member will send them an e-mail letting them know to confirm their ClearForms account.
Note: ClearForms automatically sends three reminder emails (after 2 days, one week, and 2 weeks) to people who have been invited to the platform but haven’t accepted their invitation. If you add them to additional Forms or review steps, they’ll get additional emails about those, however, they won’t be able to join until they confirm their account by using the link in the email or creating a new account with the same email address used for the invite.
Invitation to join a Form as an Admin or a Reviewer
In the Form or Step Settings, assigning someone to a Form will send them an e-mail letting them know they’ve been assigned to a Form, with a URL link to the Form.
Ready for Review
Assignees assigned to a Review Step, also known as Reviewers, will receive an e-mail when a Submission has advanced to the Review Step, with a link to access that Review Step.
Note: For 3rd party Reviewers, the e-mail will include more information about the specific Submission and the requester’s name. For additional information on the different types of Reviewers, see our training & support article: Defining Reviewer Types
Assignment to a specific Submission
E-mails are sent out to Assignees when they are added to an Assignment Step or in the Submission Settings. For additional information about assigning Team Members to Submission Steps: see our training & support article: Assigning and Managing Users in Steps
Payout Sent
Team Members, specifically Finance Managers receive an e-mail when a Payout is made from the Stripe Account to your bank account. The e-mail includes the date, amount of payout, and a link to the detailed transaction data. For additional information on connecting a bank account to ClearForms, see our training & support article: Connecting a Bank Account to Accept Fee Payments, and the article Viewing Transactions.
Charge Dispute Received
When an Applicant disputes a Credit charge, Stripe notifies us and ClearForms will send Team Members, specifically the Finance Manager, an e-mail that a dispute has been filed with a link to submit evidence to win the dispute. For additional information on Charge Disputes, see our training & support article: Disputing Credit Card Chargebacks
Action-Related E-mails
Export status
Requesting an Export in ClearForms will send an auto-generated e-mail that the Export was successful and that it is ready to download. Note that if the Export fails it will send out a failure e-mail as well.
Import Complete
Importing Organization/Entity Data or historical Submissions will send out an auto-generated e-mail that the import has been completed successfully.
Survey Step
E-mail notifications are sent out to survey participants if their specific e-mail addresses are listed in the Survey Step.
Survey participants will receive the following e-mail regarding the survey:
- An invitation to complete the survey.
- Reminder to complete the survey.
- Confirmation that survey response was received.
For additional information on the Survey Step: see our training & support article: Customizing a Survey Step
All applicant emails include the Team name in the header, along with the title of the Form.
A Submission is Completed
Applicants receive emails when the final step in a Submission has been completed. Admin can customize the submission completion message in the Form Settings.
Custom Step E-mail Notifications
In the Step Settings, Admins can create custom step e-mail notifications. They can choose to send out a Custom Message to either the Applicant who started the Step or the Admin(s) in the Form.
For additional information on custom step e-mail notifications, see any of our Step Articles, for example: Customizing an Instructional Step. Note that custom step e-mail messages can be configured for any Step type.
Applicants are e-mailed when Admin registers a check or cash payment in the ClearForms system
An additional payment has been requested by an admin
An online payment is received, whether it's a standard payment or an additional payment.
Added as Organization Point of Contact
Applicants are e-mailed if they are added as an Organization point of contact, which is done through the Form Settings or Directory. For additional information about Entities and Organizations in ClearForms, see our training & support article: All About Entities
Applicants in the Submission receive an e-mail when a Discussion is opened or a new Discussion comment has been added. For additional information on Discussions, see our training & support article Using the Discussion Board
Review Step Completion and Requested Changes
Applicants receive an e-mail when a Review Step is completed or if a Reviewer made decisions on the Applicant’s requested changes. For additional information on Requesting Changes, see our training & support article: Reviewer Requests the Applicant to make changes
Submission Rejected or Halted
Applicants receive an e-mail when a Submission has been Rejected in a Review Step or Halted. For additional information on Form Status see our training & support article: Halting or Deleting a Submission
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